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The story of Mohini the white tiger

Are You Mohini?

Metaphors and stories can capture the essence of how we identify with specific patterns of behaviour that define us in various social situations. Today, I want to share a true story that might resonate more deeply than you expect.

It’s the story of Mohini, a majestic tiger who once resided at the Washington D.C. National Zoo. Mohini was no ordinary tiger; she was a symbol of grace, strength, and beauty.

However, her life was far from the grandeur you might imagine for such a regal creature. For many years, Mohini's world was confined to a small, twelve-by-twelve-foot cage with iron bars and a cold cement floor. It was an environment that offered little more than the bare essentials, stripping her of the wild freedom she was born to experience.

Day after day, Mohini paced back and forth in her cramped quarters, her spirit as caged as her body. She was a prisoner, not just of the bars that enclosed her, but of the mental and emotional limitations imposed upon her by years of confinement.

Then came the day the biologists and zoo staff had long anticipated. After much planning and effort, they created a sprawling, natural habitat for Mohini—a space that spanned several acres, complete with rolling hills, trees, a pond, and a lush variety of vegetation. This was the kind of environment where Mohini could finally rediscover her wild essence, where she could roam free, explore, and reclaim the life that had been denied her for so long.

With great excitement and hope, they released Mohini into her new sanctuary.

What happened next was both heartbreaking and profound.

Instead of embracing her newfound freedom, Mohini sought refuge in a small corner of her expansive habitat. There, she began to pace, just as she had done for years in her old cage. Day after day, Mohini traced the same twelve-by-twelve-foot area, until the grass in that corner was worn down to bare earth. Despite the endless possibilities now surrounding her, Mohini could not break free from the confines of her past. Her body was free, but her mind remained in captivity.

Mohini’s story serves as a powerful metaphor for many of us. How often do we find ourselves trapped in the same patterns, the same limiting beliefs, even when the world around us offers endless opportunities for growth and change? How often do we retreat to our "safe corners," unable to step beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones?

In the world of mindfulness and personal growth, Mohini's story is a poignant reminder that the cages we live in are often of our own making. They are the result of past experiences, fears, and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are capable of. And just like Mohini, we may find ourselves pacing back and forth, stuck in a small corner of our potential, even when life offers us a vast, open field to explore.

The next time you find yourself stuck in a rut, ask yourself: "Am I being a Mohini?" Ask yourself if you are you holding onto old habits, beliefs, or fears that no longer serve you?

Are you limiting yourself to a small, familiar space when the world is inviting you to explore new possibilities?

Breaking free from these self-imposed limitations requires courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to step into the unknown. It means challenging the stories you've told yourself and daring to believe in your own potential. It means embracing the expansive, beautiful life that awaits you—beyond the confines of your past.

At we believe that everyone has the power to break free from their own mental cages. Through mindfulness, coaching, and personal growth practices, you can begin to explore the vastness of your true potential.

Step out of your corner, and discover the freedom that lies just beyond your comfort zone.

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